
幽默笑話/英文笑話/Real Women

【標題】:Real Women

【簡介】:About real women ...If...

【正文】:About real women ...If shop mannequins were real women, they`d be too thin tomenstruate.There are 3 billion women who don`t look like super models andonly eight who do.Marilyn Monroe wore a size 16.If Barbie were a real woman, she`d have to walk on all fours dueto her proportions.The average American woman weights 114 lbs. And wears between asize 12 and 14.One out of every four collegeage women has an eating disorder.The models in the magazines are airbrushed.A psychological study in 1995 found that three minutes spentlooking at models in a fashion magazine caused 70 percent ofwomen to feel depressed, guilty, and shameful.Models weighed 8 percent less than the average woman twenty yearsago. Today, models weigh 23 percent less.


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